Saturday, December 11, 2010

December won't you come back with snow, even some?

Once December arrived i started looking for Christmas movies and music only to fine that i owned neither. So to help me get into the Christmas spirit this year, I quickly searched through my public library website to make a list of Christmas movies i would love to see this year. It is now Dec 11th and i have checked off my list Holiday Inn, Mrs. Santa Claus, The Nativity Story, A Charlie Brown Christmas and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
Christmas time is my favorite time of year; when the the weather gets colder, gifts are exchanged, traditions are made and we celebrate the birth of our savior! I hope you make memories and share Christ love with everyone you meet this Christmas Season!

Merry Christmas!!


  1. Oh I love Christmas movies and Christmas music! It is such a sweet time of year, celebrating His birth. We just put up our tree today and watched Rudolph (with Burl Ives, no less) - too fun. Thanks for keeping us up to date on YOU.
    Love you and miss you,
    Auntie Jean

  2. I can't wait to send you my surprise :D

    I love you!

    I miss your freaking face,

  3. I'm super enjoying Christmas in Connecticut. Have you seen it? Fun old one! (watching a little bit at a time because that's the way my life is right now!)

  4. Oh how much fun to keep up with you!

  5. Kenj: I love that movie! It is on my very long waiting list from the library.

    Rein: I can't wait to send your gift!! Love ya!

    Auntie Jean and Aunt Brooke: I have to say i am pretty excited about this blog! Come check it out after Christmas I will have pictures of my gifts up.

  6. cant wait for the picture.
    I miss you and love you alot
