Friday, April 8, 2011

Big News!!

I am Pregnant!!

I was starting to have some stomach pains and feeling very tired after not doing anything. So I called my mom to see if I should be concerned and she told me if I was pregnant it would be normal. My next move? Take a pregnancy test to make sure and the results were.......Positive!!!
I then made an appointment with my Dr. to confirm and figure out how far along I was.

As of today I am 6 weeks along and feeling lots of things going on in my body. I feel so blessed and excited on this new chapter of my life.

I will be keeping you updated with how I am doing and pictures of my growing tummy. So exciting!!!

Check out the little countdown I have on the bottom of my blog following my baby's growth.


  1. Congratulations, again, dear granddaughter. It will be wonderful to see your pregnancy progress.

  2. Im so happy for you I cant wait to be an aunt. LOve you tone and praying for you non stop. Cant wait to see you sometime :)
    your awesome sis PAige

  3. Hang on for the ride! You will be the same age I was when Ashley was born ;). Enjoy each season! Love you!!

  4. I am soooooo excited!!!! I get to be an aunt!!!
