Peter and I decided that since we are still young we could drive the 13 hrs from Seattle,WA to Oakdale,CA in 1 day and only stop for gas and potty breaks. So I packed and got everything ready for us to leave Tuesday night, so that come Wednesday Peter could pack up the car and come pick me up at work.

We were on the road no later then 4pm and excited to start our trip!

We thought it would be fun to stop by Vancouver,WA to have dinner with the Faller family and take Mak with us.
The Road around 10pm Wednesday night.

Weed, CA!! It was windy!!


My Brother and NEW Sister!!!
After the wedding Peter, Rein and I decided to go to a local pub to have a beer and fellowship some more. We had a blast!

The next day was Mal's Birthday so Peter and I took her out to Olive Garden to celebrate.

Then we went to go meet up with some friends to watch The Adjustment Bureau.
Sunday Afternoon we watched the Bride and Groom open gifts and Celebrated all the March and April B-days.

Everyone has grown up so fast!!